Diary of a Portfolio career. Quarter 2 of 2023.
The last three months have gone by very quickly. In this second quarter, I share a few more highlights and a peak into the diary of building a portfolio career. Here goes!

April 2023
- Participated in a fireside chat for The Digital Poverty Alliance, which is an initiative of The Learning Foundation (I am a Trustee for The Learning Foundation). I spoke about digital skills, education and future proofing your career
- Developed resources on Artificial Intelligence (keep your eyes peeled) – in the meantime some of my AI work that is published is Artificial Intelligence and Me course, Exploring Artificial Intelligence and AI in Schools
- Announced a collaboration with eduThing around my children’s book series – The Digital Adventures of Ava and Chip
- Took a holiday to Asia, explored, Singapore, Hong Kong and Thailand – read more about my adventures with robots and automation here
- Coached clients – see more about my coaching work here
- Continued collaboration with AmazingICT
May 2023
- Attended House of Lords for launch of National delivery plan to end digital poverty by 2030
- Nominated for GTA Black women in Tech volume 3
- Put book 3 into production in The Digital Adventures of Ava and Chip series – if you would like to support or sponsor tech books for children, please donate here
- Coached clients – see more about my coaching work here
- Completed CPD – Open university – Reading for pleasure badge
- Completed CPD and gained badges from STEM Learning
- Resource writing for clients
- Received help from another small business @Rodocode with my website, this is how your professional learning network helps you, when you are stuck! Thank you!
- Coaching and Mentoring clients
June 2023
- Developing AI resources for clients
- Working in collaboration with Amazing ICT to deliver Internet Safety Workshops
- Announced Author Visit collaboration with EduThing
- Trustee Meetings – I am learning a lot!
- Delivered workshops to pupils at University of Northampton STEAM fair
- Delivered seminar session at LGfL conference – Theme – linking Climate Change to Computing lessons.
- Booked to do deliver a keynote at the Festival of Learning conference in October
- Did a Twitter Takeover of top TV presenter Sue Atkins to promote my childrens books
- Coaching and Mentoring
- Wrote a blog – A beginners guide to Coaching for Nexus education
- Wrote a blog on How to develop a portfolio career for DidTeach
I hope this has given insight into some of what a portfolio career encompasses. Each day is very different!
How can I help you?
Get in touch with me:
- To commission me for your next education consulting project
- To book me to speak at your event
- If you would like me to coach/mentor you
Or simply reach out! As I have said many times, be open to opportunities!