Diary of a Portfolio career. Quarter 3 of 2023.
Another three months have gone by very quickly. We are now less than 100 days away from the end of the year!
Before, we get into my highlights of Q3, here is a bit about me. I have developed and continue to develop a portfolio career, which sees me combine Consulting, Coach, Authoring and Speaking.
I hope my journey inspires you. If you would like to work with me please do reach out via the contact page on this website.
I am always open to exciting opportunities.

July 2023
- I tried new experiences of quad biking and segway, which I captured in this post
- Spent a lot of time seeking opportunities for September and beyond
- Visited the Swindon and Wiltshire Institute of Technology to see how they are preparing their students with the skills they need to thrive in a tech dominated world
- Delivered a poster session at CSTA conference
- Started recording lunchtime chats with another freelancer Rebecca Franks, owner of Flip Computing
- Completed CPD with STEM Learning
- Coaching work – private clients and organisations
- Planned resources for September and beyond
- Wrote another children’s book, for my book series– release for this title won’t be for a few years yet…
- Carried out Trustee Duties
- Caught up with friends, and visited a few tech exhibitions in London
August 2023
- Took a well-earned holiday for a few weeks to explore The Cairngorms, Cape Wrath, Orkney and the Outer Hebrides
- Started experimenting with TikTok a bit more as an avenue for my coaching videos
- Editing of Book 3 in The Digital Adventures of Ava and Chip series
- Wrote a blog on my visit to the We Will Rock You Musical, which had a great tech and AI theme
- Meetings with clients to plan events for next academic year
- Writing courses, which will be available later this year
- Completed CPD for products, including Edpuzzle
September 2023
- Gained a LinkediN “Top Life Coaching Voice” badge
- Continued to develop my skills on TikTok and sharing Coaching tips for a portfolio career via this channel. The videos also appear on Threads and as Instagram reels
- Collaborated with TV parenting expert Sue Atkins for Tech Parenting Hour, read about this #twitterchat here
- Working with companies such as eduThing, 2Simple and more!
- Lots of meetings to foster potential collaborations
- Attended a co-coaching CPD with the Association for Coaching
- Guest panellist for Netsupport on an Online Safety Webinar
- Announced as a judge for Tech She Can competition
- Recorded another episode of Girls Talk Tech with another female Tech entrepreneur – founder of Flip Computing – Rebecca Franks
That’s all for Q3 of 2023. I am looking forward to the final quarter. I think it may be the best yet! And guess what? If there are hiccups along the way, I will manage them and continue to find and celebrate the POSITIVE in EVERYDAY!
Thanks for reading