AI Appreciation Day

Image of AI Appreciation Day

What is AI Appreciation Day? Artificial Intelligence Appreciation Day is an annual celebration dedicated to the advancements and impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in our world. It is a day to explore how AI technologies shape our daily lives, from smart home devices to advanced medical diagnostics. Celebrated on July 16th each year, AI Day […]

Inspiring the Future

Image showing the presenters at the inaugural Imagin8 event run by IT Services for Education company eduthing

Inspiring the Future: Reflections on Imagin8 – 2024 A day of keynotes, topics covering artificial intelligence, robotics, AR/VR, Healthcare, Role Models and More!  The scene was set for Imagin8 – 2024.  An offering from IT Services for Education company – Eduthing – who offer all schools that they support added value! Why Imagin8? A combination […]

Building AI into Schools

Image for article - Building AI into Schools and Education: Preparing for the Future

As schools across the country enter the summer term and begin planning for the autumn term, will understanding and teaching of Artificial Intelligence feature in the curriculum? With the rapid advancements in AI technology and its increasing relevance in various fields, integrating AI education into school programs is becoming more crucial than ever. Here are […]

Robots and Candy

Image for article - The Rise of Robotic Vending: Innovations and Impacts

Robots and Candy. What do these two things have in common?  Let me share with you…Pick n Mix just got a whole new upgrade!  What do I mean?  Meet Candybot.  On my recent travels, I went through Larnaca airport in Cyprus.  Something caught my eye.  The traditional pick n mix experience where you take a […]

International Women’s Day

Image of Beverly Clarke used for her blog on International Women's Day 2024

International Women’s Day – Empowering through inclusion As we mark International Women’s Day (IWD) 2024, I reflect upon gender equality within education and technology.  This year’s theme is #InspireInclusion it’s essential to reflect and celebrate on the progress we’ve made towards gender equality in education and technology. However, work remains to be done, the voices […]

Safer Internet Day 2024

Safer Internet Day article on Beverly Clarke Consulting website

Safer Internet Day 2024 –  with the theme of “Inspiring Change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online.” Have you heard of Safer Internet Day? I had the pleasure of being involved in the Safer Internet Day celebrations run by IT for Education Services company EduThing Ltd and its sister company Mint Education. […]

#BETT2024 – #Edtech Odyssey

Images of BETT Speakers Bag and of Beverly Clarke

#BETT2024 – #Edtech Odyssey As the doors closed for #BETT2024 and I travelled home, I reflected upon my experience, I had hosted the Global Futures theatre, greeting guests from around the world and introducing speakers, immersed myself with new tech, celebrated with winners, networked with known and new connections, offered advice to others, been inspired […]

How Tech Transforms Christmas

Image showing a Lindt Augmented Reality Calendar and a Jo Malone Gingerbreadman

How tech transforms Christmas – the 2023 festive season may just be the year that we call – the year of the #digitalChristmas, in much the same way as the London 2012 Olympics was described as the first digital Olympics due to the use of social media and technology. In the ever evolving landscape of […]

Ray Ban Meta Smart Glasses

Beverly Clarke wearing Ray Ban Meta Smart Glasses

Ray Ban Meta Smart Glasses are the hottest tech present this year! They are the latest in “wearable technology” and becoming a fashion statement. Last week quite by chance, I was able to try out and try on a pair of this newest wearable tech.  Let me share with you my insights around Smart Glasses, […]

Festival of Learning

Festival of Learning: Unplugged and Inspired The theme for this year’s Festival of Learning – was linking industry and education. The event took place at BT Adastral Park in Suffolk this week. Adastral Park is home to BTs innovation labs and innovation Martlesham – which is a cluster of 150 high tech companies, just outside […]